New World Discord

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1) разногласие, разлад; раздоры; to sow discord сеять вражду
3)mus. диссонанс
1) расходиться во взглядах, мнениях (with, from)
3)mus. звучать диссонансом
(n) разногласие
разногласие, диссонанс
[dis·cord || 'dɪskɔːd
]n. разногласие, разлад, распря, шум; резкие звуки, диссонанс
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1.сущ.1) а) разногласие, несовпадение, расхождение (во взглядах)(among, between)б) борьба, раздор, спор2) а) резкий шум; режущие ухо звукиб) муз. диссонанс
New World Discord
2.гл.1) не совпадать, расходиться; противоречить
New World Discord
]n. разногласие, разлад, распря, шум; резкие звуки, диссонанс
* * *
1.сущ.1) а) разногласие, несовпадение, расхождение (во взглядах)(among, between)б) борьба, раздор, спор2) а) резкий шум; режущие ухо звукиб) муз. диссонанс2.гл.1) не совпадать, расходиться; противоречить (один другому)2) муз. звучать диссонансом

Новый англо-русский словарь. 2013.

Смотреть что такое 'discord' в других словарях:

  • discord — 1. (di skor ; le d ne se lie jamais : un di skor éclatant ; au pluriel, l s ne se lie pas : des di skor éclatants ; cependant quelques uns la lient : des di skor z éclatants) s. m. 1° État de ceux qui ne s accordent pas. • Qui sache, en… … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • Discord — Dis cord , n. [OE. discord, descord, OF. discorde, descorde, F. discorde, from L. discordia, fr. discors, cordis, discordant, disagreeable; dis + cor, cordis, heart; cf. F. discord, n., and OF. descorder, discorder, F. discorder, to discord, L.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • discord — n Discord, strife, conflict, contention, dissension, difference, variance mean a state or condition marked by disagreement and lack of harmony or the acts or circumstances which manifest such a state or condition. Discord implies not only a want… … New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Discord — may refer to: Dissonance (music) Discord may also refer to: Discord (album), an album and single released by the punk rock band Bomb Factory Dischord Records, a punk and alternative record label Discordia, a Roman goddess equivalent to the Greek… … Wikipedia

  • discord — DISCÓRD, Ă adj. Care nu este acordat, discordat. ♦ Care nu are armonie, nearmonios. [< fr. discord]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 22.02.2005. Sursa: DN DISCÓRD s.n. Poezie lirică medievală de origine provensală, cu o structură neregulată prin… … Dicționar Român

  • discord — Discord, m. acut. Dissension, Discordia. Dont il est fait. Qui engendre discord, Discordialis. Mettre en discord, Seditionem concitare, Dissidium serere. Il y a grand discord entre eux, Grauiter dissentiunt inter se, Dissident … Thresor de la langue françoyse

  • Discord — Dis*cord , v. i. [OE. discorden, descorden, from the French. See {Discord}, n.] To disagree; to be discordant; to jar; to clash; not to suit. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] The one discording with the other. Bacon. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • discord — [n1] conflict, disagreement animosity, antagonism, antipathy, clash, clashing, collision, contention, difference, disaccord, discordance, discrepancy, disharmony, dispute, dissension, dissent, dissidence, dissonance, disunion, disunity, division … New thesaurus

  • discord — [dis′kôrd΄; ] for v., usually [ dis kôrd′] n. [ME < OFr descorde < L discordia < discors (gen. discordis), discordant < dis , apart + cor, HEART] 1. lack of concord; disagreement; dissension; conflict 2. a harsh or confused noise, as… … English World dictionary

  • Discord — Discord, Cap an der Ostküste von Grönland … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • discord — I noun animosity, antagonism, argumentation, bickering, clashing, conflict, contention, controversy, difference, disaccord, disaccordance, disagreement, discongruity, discordance, discordia, discrepancy, disharmony, disparity, dispute, dissensio … Law dictionary

Wow The Fel Hammer Discord


  • The Battle Of The Books, Jonathan Swift. While things were in this ferment, discord grew extremely high; hot words passed on both sides, and ill blood was plentifully bred. Here a solitaryAncient, squeezed up among a whole shelf of… ПодробнееКупить за 1390 руб
  • Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury. The hauntingly prophetic classic novel set in a not-too-distant future where books are burned by a special task force of firemen. Guy Montag is a fireman. His job is to burn books, which are… ПодробнееКупить за 995 грн (только Украина)
  • Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury Ray. The hauntingly prophetic classic novel set in a not-too-distant future where books are burned by a special task force of firemen. Guy Montag is a fireman. His job is to burn books, which are… ПодробнееКупить за 777 руб

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